If you’ve chosen, say, to have plastic surgery in Orange County, it is likely that this elective procedure will require a surgeon to operate for a discrete period of time, which will enable you to be released as an outpatient easily. Hospitals typically are necessary for those with extensive medical concerns who need immediate attention and long-term observation. Our Orange Country plastic surgery center, on the other hand, is staffed with specialists and utilizes more state-of-the-art equipment and care than most hospitals today.
In most instances, it is important to fast before surgery because foods, liquids and some medications may try to escape or create gaseous content that can complicate surgery or compromise your health and safety. We will provide you with detailed instructions on what to ingest prior to and after your fasting period, as well what are acceptable practices during your fast.
Yes. In fact, we encourage you to bring a family member or friend for both moral support leading up to your time of surgery, as well to drive you home immediately after your scheduled surgery. A designated family relative, parent or guardian must supervise child patients.
For many female surgical patients, the occurrence of your menstruation will not usually directly affect the outcome of your surgery or recovery, with the exception of a small number and variety of gynecological operations.
You will be administered oral or intravenous pain medication prior to and after your surgical procedure, as well as work with some physical therapists to alleviate localized pain centers.
Please bring any paperwork that needs to be completed, as well as your driver license, and billing payment information. Be certain to bring a change of clothes, a lose robe, slippers, eyeglasses, etc.
Yes, you can take a shower, bath, as well a brush your teeth, cleanse and more. However, be certain not to use any perfumes, hair gels, facial make-up or other related products, as they may directly conflict with the surgery, may extend your surgical preparation, as well as may prevent the anesthesiologist from correctly reading your pain and sleep status.
It is very important that you make your surgical appointment, however, if some significant emergency arises, please contact our office immediately. Your surgical contract will provide details about surgical cancellations and rescheduling.
Feel free call the CVOSC surgery center in Orange County to learn more today.